Sunday, August 21, 2005

Life is Like an Empty Box of Chocolates

I can imagine what you're thinking - an EMPTY box of chocolates? What kind of psycho is writing this blog? Perhaps you're contemplating emailing me links about zoloft or paxil, but restrain yourself a moment and allow me to explain.

I think when people are first born their lives are like a box of chocolates; we all start out as little Forest Gumps. But throughout our childhood all that energy and awe at the world sucks our chocolate supply dry creating bland, zombie-like adults. Now, some people reach this point earlier than others (depending on how stubborn each individual might be), but we all reach this empty milestone eventually - and that's when I think people truly become individuals.

After however many years, you start to fill your life with more meaningful, intangible things - and those things are so fulfilling that they never run out. I think my life right now is like an empty box of chocolates - and I've never been happier.

Signing off my first post,


"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."

Sir Winston Churchill
British politician
(1874 - 1965)


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