Saturday, September 10, 2005

Media Coverage of Hurricane Katrina

I think the single most limiting thing for a person living in the USA is being poor. Whenever I see the victims of hurricane Katrina in the media, I wonder how they are so resilient. I know there has been a massive response of fundraising and aid, but sometimes it seems as if the strength of people comes from deep inside themselves. I can't imagine what it must be like to lose everything. In this crazy world, all you really have is your home - and I believe that will take a very long time to rebuild.

I have mixed feelings about the media coverage. Sometimes it seems like the media is just exploiting the tragedy (like when they show a reporter in hip waders going on and on about the disgusting water), but I think in this day and age people really have to see the tragedy to understand that everyone needs to chip in. I just hope that journalists are humble in their coverage, rather than grandstanding.

Signing off,

"The strength of the United States is not the gold at Fort Knox or the weapons of mass destruction that we have, but the sum total of the education and the character of our people."
Claiborne Pell (1918 - )

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Lil' Rover, dear Rover - send pictures on over...

I wonder if, in the news, NASA got more attention from the success of their Rovers, or from the recent shuttle landing - when the media thought something might go wrong.

Somehow the media is convinced that people are only happy if deluged with stories of murder, rape, destruction or stories about our hollywood royalty. Are journalists obsessed with sensationalizing everything? (I double dare you - watch an hour of Nancy Grace and then tell me she doesn't drain the life from your soul)...

How about a little dose of what's good in the world every day? Where do I sign up on to hear about the positive breaking news? Breaking news: so and so died; Breaking news: new disease spreading through Asia; Breaking news: a hurricane hits and the devastation is spectacular - and so forth until you find yourself browsing the brochure you received on free counseling through your employer.

Whenever you are ever overwhelmed by all the negative stories in the news, I would suggest you take a look at how our little resident Martians are doing.

If you are feeling beaten down by the news every day, seek out the stories that interest you on the internet. I promise there actually ARE positive things going on in the world.

Signing off,

"No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit."
Helen Keller
US blind & deaf educator (1880 - 1968)

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

If These Boots are Made for Walking...

...then I hope she's got a jacket for those winter months. Believe it or not - I actually like Jessica Simpson. And not just because of her reality show; I've actually sat through her entire A&E biography. It's just I have lots of mother instincts, and so I worry about the girl. If you're a mom, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

It seems like women who have fame and fortune have an expiration date. They can only stay fresh and original for a while, and then they slowly start to get distasteful. I think Jessica is on the brink of stinking up the joint (like Britney Spears feet) - and that has nothing to do with her portraying Daisy Duke btw! Daisy Duke had class. Is there something about being famous that tranforms you into someone trashy? Something in the water in Hollywood? My fear is that eventually the halftime show for the NFL will have Britney, Jessica and Christina grinding and stroking each other's assets - and people will still buy their 9 year old girls their CDs. At least two of those three can sing (sorry Britney), but they aren't showcasing their talent anymore. It's like they were trying to decide between a career in porn or a career in music, and they thought - hey, why can't I have both?

No wonder the world voted for Carrie Underwood to win American Idol - how fun will it be to watch her go from a sweet little country girl, to another blond lip synching naked on her music videos. It's reality tv at it's best.

Signing off,

"Assume a virtue, if you have it not."
William Shakespeare
English dramatist & poet (1564 - 1616)

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Life is Like an Empty Box of Chocolates

I can imagine what you're thinking - an EMPTY box of chocolates? What kind of psycho is writing this blog? Perhaps you're contemplating emailing me links about zoloft or paxil, but restrain yourself a moment and allow me to explain.

I think when people are first born their lives are like a box of chocolates; we all start out as little Forest Gumps. But throughout our childhood all that energy and awe at the world sucks our chocolate supply dry creating bland, zombie-like adults. Now, some people reach this point earlier than others (depending on how stubborn each individual might be), but we all reach this empty milestone eventually - and that's when I think people truly become individuals.

After however many years, you start to fill your life with more meaningful, intangible things - and those things are so fulfilling that they never run out. I think my life right now is like an empty box of chocolates - and I've never been happier.

Signing off my first post,


"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."

Sir Winston Churchill
British politician
(1874 - 1965)