Saturday, August 27, 2005

Lil' Rover, dear Rover - send pictures on over...

I wonder if, in the news, NASA got more attention from the success of their Rovers, or from the recent shuttle landing - when the media thought something might go wrong.

Somehow the media is convinced that people are only happy if deluged with stories of murder, rape, destruction or stories about our hollywood royalty. Are journalists obsessed with sensationalizing everything? (I double dare you - watch an hour of Nancy Grace and then tell me she doesn't drain the life from your soul)...

How about a little dose of what's good in the world every day? Where do I sign up on to hear about the positive breaking news? Breaking news: so and so died; Breaking news: new disease spreading through Asia; Breaking news: a hurricane hits and the devastation is spectacular - and so forth until you find yourself browsing the brochure you received on free counseling through your employer.

Whenever you are ever overwhelmed by all the negative stories in the news, I would suggest you take a look at how our little resident Martians are doing.

If you are feeling beaten down by the news every day, seek out the stories that interest you on the internet. I promise there actually ARE positive things going on in the world.

Signing off,

"No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit."
Helen Keller
US blind & deaf educator (1880 - 1968)


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